If the frenulum is sensitive, frenectomy can fundamentally improve the situation.

Sexual activity plays an important role in our lives, affecting not only our sense of psychological satisfaction but also our relationships with partners and self-esteem. However, the problem of premature ejaculation is a barrier faced by many men, which can significantly reduce the quality of their sex lives.

What is Premature Ejaculation? Premature ejaculation refers to ejaculating sooner during intercourse than intended. If this occurs persistently and frequently, it may be diagnosed as a medical condition requiring attention. Premature ejaculation can lead to various problems, including decreased self-esteem, deterioration of the relationship with a partner, and even failure of contraception.

Why is Treatment for Premature Ejaculation Gaining Attention? Premature ejaculation is a common issue among many men concerning their sex life. Men from their 20s to their 80s seek treatment, driven by a loss of confidence or a desire for a more fulfilling sex life. The younger population struggles with confidence loss, while the older generation faces changes that come with age, causing many to suffer from premature ejaculation.

What are the Representative Treatments for Premature Ejaculation? There are several methods to treat premature ejaculation, but the following three are typical:

Circumcision - Surgery to remove excess foreskin. Frenectomy - Surgery that partially removes the thin strip between the glans and foreskin, known as the frenulum. Glans enhancement injection - A treatment that involves injecting a specific substance into the glans to adjust sensitivity.

Let's focus on "frenulum cutting treatment."

Overview of Frenectomy Treatment

The frenulum, also known as the "banjo string," is a sensitive and slender area between the glans and the foreskin. This part is extremely sensitive and, if too reactive, can cause premature ejaculation.

The Impact of Premature Ejaculation It is not uncommon for men to lose confidence due to too rapid ejaculation and become passive towards sex. Partners may also experience stress in the relationship due to not achieving sexual satisfaction. This can lead to what is known as "sexual incompatibility" and even cause a relationship to break down.

Mechanism of Frenectomy Treatment Frenulum cutting treatment adjusts the penile frenulum to improve premature ejaculation. The frenulum is very sensitive, and if it reacts too much, it can cause premature ejaculation due to stimulation during intercourse. Frenectomy treatment removes part of this sensitive area to alleviate the hypersensitive response to ejaculation.

The Effects of Frenectomy Treatment The frenulum cut, by partially removing this hypersensitive frenulum, is effective in preventing premature ejaculation. The surgery is brief, about 15 minutes, and involves cutting in the shape of a leaf before suturing. The treatment is discreet post-operation, and sensation is not entirely lost, ensuring that sexual pleasure is maintained.

Expected Changes After Treatment Undergoing frenectomy treatment can improve control during sexual activity and extend the time until ejaculation. This can help restore confidence and allow for a more enjoyable sex life.

Conclusion Premature ejaculation is an issue for many men regardless of age. Frenectomy offers a quick and effective solution, with numerous men regaining their confidence. If you want to find the most suitable treatment for your condition, consult a specialist clinic.