Achieving a Clean Finish in Phimosis Surgery: “Subcoronal Hidden Incision Method”

When considering phimosis surgery, many worry about the scars it might leave. It would be counterproductive if, after receiving surgery to improve the appearance of phimosis, the scars become unsightly and more prominent, making you even more reluctant to expose yourself in public.

The Cleanest Finish: Subcoronal Hidden Incision Method

Our clinic primarily performs phimosis surgery using the "Subcoronal Hidden Incision Method (Kito Chokka Maibotsuho)." This technique is acclaimed in the industry for yielding the cleanest finish, as the scars are concealed right below the corona of the glans, covered by the natural excess skin, making it the least noticeable phimosis surgery.

As you can see from the images above, the finish is extremely clean after just one month post-surgery.

Even upon close inspection as in the images, the finish is such that the surrounding people won't notice.

How Much Foreskin is Removed?

The amount of excess skin is measured by stretching the penis both in its flaccid and erect states, and then removed as per the design. Rest assured, there will not be a shortage of skin.

For a clean finish in phimosis surgery, we highly recommend our Subcoronal Hidden Incision Method. Please consider it for your treatment!