Premature Ejaculation Treatment with Priligy: A Detailed Explanation

Premature ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction experienced by many men, characterized by ejaculation that occurs too early and beyond one's control. This condition can cause psychological stress and impact sexual relationships. Priligy is a medication that helps in the treatment of premature ejaculation. This article provides a detailed explanation of Priligy's effects, usage, and side effects.

What is Priligy?

Priligy is a medication developed for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Its active ingredient, dapoxetine, delays the reuptake of serotonin, thereby prolonging the time to ejaculation and improving symptoms of premature ejaculation.

The Mechanism of Dapoxetine

Dapoxetine, the active ingredient in Priligy, belongs to the class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Although SSRIs are typically used as antidepressants, dapoxetine has been specifically developed for premature ejaculation treatment. It regulates serotonin levels and enhances serotonin activity. Serotonin is a key neurotransmitter that affects mood, emotions, sleep, and the timing of ejaculation.

Dapoxetine delays the reuptake of serotonin in the brain, increasing serotonin activity. This increased activity raises the threshold of the ejaculatory reflex, thereby extending the time to ejaculation. This can reduce the symptoms of premature ejaculation and increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

How to Use Priligy

Priligy is recommended to be taken about 1 to 3 hours before sexual activity, and its use should not exceed once a day. The drug is not significantly affected by food, but combining it with alcohol may enhance potential side effects and should be avoided.

The Effects of Priligy

Many men who take Priligy can extend the time to ejaculation. This can lead to increased confidence in sexual performance and enhanced satisfaction for both partners.

Side Effects

Common side effects of Priligy include headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Serious side effects are rare, but if any abnormalities are felt, it is important to seek medical advice promptly.

Precautions for Use

  • Individuals with high blood pressure or heart conditions should consult a doctor before use.
  • Those with existing mental health issues should also discuss with their doctor before using Priligy.
  • The efficacy of the medication varies among individuals, so if you do not feel its effects, consult your doctor.


Priligy is an effective option for treating premature ejaculation, but its use requires proper guidance and caution. Consider side effects and your health condition, and use under the supervision of a physician. With the correct usage, Priligy can help enhance the quality of your sexual life.