Red bumps on the scrotum? We’ll provide a detailed explanation of scrotal angiofibroma.

Scrotal angiofibroma, as the name suggests, is a benign skin tumor that primarily occurs on the male scrotum.

This condition is not exceedingly rare, and we have treated numerous cases in our clinic.

There are various types of bumps that can appear around the penis. The most common ones include Fordyce spots, condyloma acuminatum, and pearly penile papules. However, there are also several types of bumps that can develop on the scrotum or the testicular sac.

In a recent blog post, we discussed "calcinosis" or "multiple pilomatricomas," characterized by white, lump-like symptoms. Today, we delve deeper into "scrotal angiofibroma."

1. Characteristics of Scrotal Angiofibroma

This tumor presents as small bumps on the skin ranging from skin-colored to reddish-brown. Their rough surface is due to the combination of keratinized skin cells. Generally, these tumors are painless and do not manifest any significant symptoms.

2. Origins and Mechanism

The exact cause of scrotal angiofibroma remains unclear. However, some studies point to genetic factors, chronic skin friction, and skin aging as potential contributors. Some experts believe that the frequent friction or pressure on the scrotal skin might increase the likelihood of developing angiofibromas.

3. Diagnostic Methods

If you notice any abnormalities on your scrotal skin, an initial visual examination will be conducted for diagnosis. Diagnosis begins with the observation of the exterior appearance, and if required, a skin biopsy is performed. This biopsy allows for a detailed observation of the lesion, distinguishing it from other potential diseases.

4. Treatment Options

Scrotal angiofibromas are benign tumors and typically don't require treatment. However, if they grow in size, cause aesthetic concerns, or if there's discomfort, inflammation, or frequent bleeding due to friction, treatment options may be considered.

  • Laser Treatment: This method uses lasers to burn off the tumor. With minimal invasiveness, recovery is often quick. In our clinic, we utilize electrocautery combined with carbon dioxide lasers for treatment. Since angiofibromas bleed during treatment, each one is meticulously removed with simultaneous hemostasis. The entire procedure, as demonstrated in the accompanying case photos, typically takes around 15 minutes. Local anesthesia ensures that there's no pain during treatment.

  • Surgical Removal: For larger or clustered tumors, surgical removal might be considered. However, in most cases, laser treatment is the preferred choice.

Example of Laser Treatment Results


5. Prevention and Caution

The skin of the scrotum is delicate. Reducing excessive friction or pressure can potentially lower the risk of developing scrotal angiofibromas. Regular self-checks are essential, and if any abnormalities are detected, it's crucial to consult a doctor promptly.

In summary, while scrotal angiofibromas are harmless, any changes in skin should not be ignored. Appropriate consultation and treatment are vital when required.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.



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